Thursday, 21 February 2013

Medicine Hat - Canada

So after a couple of days of getting my bearings in Calgary, i decided it was time i visited my buddy, Dave, who lived with his parent sin the next city across, still a 3 hour drive to get are a few pictures of Med Hat, i'll update with what i did there tomorrow.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Canada - The first day.

So as my post 2 days ago told you I have recently spent a bit of time traveling around western Canada, I literally booked a flight into Calgary city in Alberta, then a return flight a month later from Vancouver in British-Columbia. So my plan was to gradually wind my way through Canada, exploring as I went. I landed around 2pm local time in Calgary and after a lengthy search in customs I was finally let into the country, here are my pictures from my first day in a snowy Calgary.

Monday, 18 February 2013

I have drawn you!

Here is a little black and white drawing of Batman I have done, i used a black Sharpie marker for this. It came out pretty well to say I'm not really a drawing kind of guy. I've added in another picture I've had in the archives for a while that makes me laugh, I usually see it put up when people draw other things. Anyways I hope you enjoy laughing at my effort.

A long overdue update

Hey everyone,

I'm not sure too many people are reading what i'm writing but just on the off chance, i'm sorry I've not been very active with my blog since well before Christmas. I happened to be away traveling in Canada for a while, it was the most amazing trip i have ever undertaken, i'm going to write a full debrief on everywhere i went but until then i wanted to give a sneak peak of some of the pictures i have taken.