Monday, 12 December 2011

New Lens!

Ive gone and done it......

This won the Europeopn Lens of the year last year, so im going to be trying this out over the next few weeks, im really interested in getting some wicked shots of the moon.

Here she is:

I'll be posting a few shots with it when ive got some that are worthy to be here.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Ghosts in York...

My trip to York.

Got to share these photos from my recent trip to York.

York Minster

The Shambles

The Ghost Walk Man (Cool guy)

A New Direction....

Hi Folks,

Over the past week or so ive been planning things for next year, the big 2012. Im planning on starting Scuba Diving, Possibly taking up Archery again, Completeing my Mountain Leaders qualification, Playing Airsoft, Doing a lot more photography and Hopefully going on a cruise to see the Northeren Lights in the Artic Circle. So im thinking how cool it would be to make this blog bigger and have posts on pretty much my adventures into different things, Especially Scuba Diving.

In January im going to my Local Scuba Diving Club, they are offering Try Dives for ten pounds, im going to take advantage of this and see if i enjoy it, if i do i'll sign up for the year and start training. Hopefully ill get some pictures of the first time i dive and i'll be able to upload them, will be pretty funny i imagine.

Id like to be able to post some of my photography on here too, I went to Rome recently and took loads of pictures. If you ever get the chance to go there....GO!

Anyway for now i'll leave you alone.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Surprise from Crisis

Tomorrow ill be throwing up some pictures, as this morning i had a nice surprise from Crisis come through my letterbox.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Putting it all together.

Hi folks,
             This is just a check list for what people are going to need in the Fire Starting tutorial, i'm hoping to add a video on to the end where i put it all together and light a fire in damp outdoor conditions.

Heres what you'll need:

Lighter/Flint striker/Matches
Cotton Wool balls
Petroleum Jelly
Waterproof Storage Bag

Here it all is (minus twigs)

Check back later for the next post,

Oh Gawd im excited....

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Thats not a knife.....

This is is a knife.

Alot of people have asked me recently what type of knife to buy for hiking and general purpose, i have seen alot of friends go and buy cheap knifes that rust after their first real test. This is my knife of choice........

Leatherman Skeletool Multi-Tool

This baby has been with me now for around 4 years, its survived survival training with the Marines, Firefighter training centre, many many hikes and is now my current Fire Kit knife of choice.

The blade is a lock out blade. It has a screwdriver with two attachments for different screw heads, (Posi - Neg) small snap hook attachment and turns into a very good pair of pliers.

The tool is nice and small and slips into any pocket easily. For me the best part of this knife is the build quality, ive put it through some tough tests and it still looks knew, the blade has been re-sharpend once.

This will be my knife of choice for my Trek, complete with a lanyard so i dont lose it.

Get yourself one.


Hope you find this helpful.


The music score for this is WOW

Monday, 24 October 2011

What to Pack? And Where?

Here, we go. After sleeping off the effects of my last night shift at work (and as promised) i decided its time to start planning what im going to take and where im going to put it.

Here goes.

On My Person

Bicycle Shorts
Hiking Trousers
Basic Undershirt
North Face Tri Climate Coat
Decent Pair of Gloves
Some Kind of Hat
Some Kind of Mint Cake
Walking Stick
Shades (Cause im cool yeah.....)


Sleeping Bag
Spare Everything (Socks, Shorts, etc)
Warm Kit
Dry Kit
24hr Ration Pack
Cooking Stove
Survival Tin
Firelighting Kit
First Aid Kit
Wash Bag

This is my first draft can anybody see any glaring holes?

Cheers guys.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

The Walk to Work

I work 7 miles from where I live, I currently work as a Fire-Fighter, this means I sometimes have to work night shifts. So this afternoon I decided that tonight would be my first training walk/hike. I strapped all my kit that I needed for a night on station into my Bergen, whacked my boots on and plugged in my IPod. 1hr 40mins later I arrive at work. Tired and with a blister on the bottom of my hee, the size of a goats ball bag.

My fitness felt good for the yomp, I felt I could have carried on, the only problem is "Ze Blister". I've put it down to the kind of sock I'm wearing. So the next priority is to go and aquire severel good pairs of hiking socks and get them tested by walking into work again.

I'm pretty happy tonight too as I have my first member of my blog.


This is only a small update, I'll be updating tomorrow with my provisional kit list for everything I think I'm going to need.

Good night dudes.

A Walk for Crisis

Ok, so as promised here are the details for the charity i am supporting - Crisis

Crisis was set up in 1967,  when a small group of volunteers involved with the London squatting scene used a derelict church in London to house homeless victims over the Christmas period.

Crisis are a charity quite close to my heart so it is very important that i raise my target of £250 pounds for them and hopefully raise awareness. Homelessness Ends Here.

I am a Firestarter!

Sometime over the next week i'll be writing a bit of a tutorial on how to make your own survival fire kit.

Here i'll provide you with some links for what i currently use for mine.


NATO Windproof Matches

Ziploc Waterproof Bags

Other Bits

Cotten Wool Balls
Small Sticks
Sharp Knife
Decent Storage Bag

I look forward to this its gonna be special.


"The Backbone of England"

My head was racing with ideas and plans for this Adventure.

I hit Google again and decided to do some research on what i had just signed myself up for.

The Pennine Way.

As we know, the path beings in Edale, Derbyshire, part of the Peak District National Park. Walking North you will cover 267 miles of national park and countryside going from the Peak District - South Pennines - Yorkshire Dales - North Pennines - Northumberland National Park - Scottish Borders.

The Ramblers Association call it "one of Britain's best known and toughest". This scares me!

At this point i think its wise for me to get the backing of a Charity. There are a few that are close to my heart but in the end I chose Crisis. In my next update ill let you all know what Crisis are about.


Day one of a long journey.

Welcome to the first post.

Let me set the scene for you..

I'm sat at the computer, in my boxers, some toss is on the TV next to me and Led Zeppelin are providing some background music. I'm satisfied with my life but I'm forever wanting to get away and Trek and Adventure somewhere, inevitably i put it off and say next year ill climb Kilimanjaro or something...

I'm not sure where i mustered the inspiration from but literally, in a flash i knew i wanted to do something and this time i wouldn't put it off.

I quickly hammered Google into my web bar and started searching for Charities offering Treks and Climbs, these look incredible i thought, i then checked the price. The lowest was around £2000. Wowzer.

It was at this point i stumbled across the Pennine Way. A walking route covering 267 miles from the middle of Derbyshire to the Borders of Scotland. I knew i wanted to do it. I am very lucky in my working life to be able to take the time off to be able to do this.

The Wheels are in motion.........